
The Legacies That We Leave

Published by Karla Campos on

legacy entrepreneur - Karla Campos

What Legacy Do You Plan to Leave Behind?

Have you thought about the legacy you plan to leave behind? How do you want the world to remember you? Are you even thinking about the world? Maybe you just care about how you’ve impacted the worlds of those closest to you.

I can’t answer these question for you. We all have our independent answers to this question.

I’m interested in learning why you have chosen what you have chosen. What has shaped your decisions? What lessons have you taught those around you? What opportunities have you taken to give back?

I’m Not The Judge Of Your Legacy

I’m not writing this to judge people’s choices when it comes to their legacy. Everyone has the right to choose. I’m actually writing this to see what people have chosen on their personal journey.

Maybe you chose not to give back. I want to know why. There’s no wrong answer.

The legacies that we leave are up to us. What are you leaving behind and why? Let Me Know On Twitter.

With Love,

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About Post Author

Karla Campos

Karla Campos is a Latina Mompreneur, speaker, and writer.


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